Green oases in the deserts of the Ocean

Ecopia is a simple global solution to excess atmospheric CO₂. We need partners to help with our technology build

The Challenge

Anthropogenic CO₂ input

9 GTonnes of atmospheric CO₂ annually that comes mainly from fossil fuel consumption and cement production

Imbalance in atmospheric CO₂ concentrations

Current levels are at 408 ppm and rising, therefore we need to control and regulate the level of CO₂

Our solution


Create a global carbon regulation system that utilises the Ocean Plant Biomass through our Ecopia technology. This solves:

The excess atmospheric CO2 levels

Ocean acidification (saves the coral reefs)

Providing a solution to ensure we don't get in this mess again

Impact of over-exploitation of deep sea fisheries

What is Ecopia?

Additional benefits

The possibilities for Ecopia extend far beyond solving the CO2 imbalance to areas such as:


Creation, support and augmentation

Job Creation

9 GTonnes of atmospheric CO₂ annually that Comes mainly from fossil fuel consumption and cement production


Giant platform for ecotourism and sport fishing


Platform for rapid technological advancement

Combined these will drive the initiative to be cost neutral or even cost positive within 20 years

Find out more

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